Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Antioxidant Activity, Phenolic Composition, and Hormone Content of Wild Edible Vegetables
, vol.8, no.5, pp.1-10, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
Articles Published in Other Journals
Domates (Solanum lycopersicum L.)’te Fungisit Stresine Karşı Kitosanın Etkisi
Journal of advanced research in natural and applied sciences (Online)
, vol.9, no.3, pp.499-510, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
DetermInatIon Of Some QuantItatIve CharacterIstIcs Of Fresh And PInto Bean Genotypes Collected In ErzIncan ProvInce
Ereğli Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi
, vol.3, no.1, pp.24-32, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Effect of Microbial Fertilizer on The Development of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Seedlings Exposed to Salt Stress
Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences
, vol.13, no.1, pp.1-17, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Current Situation, Potential and Development Suggestions of Organic Vegetable Growing in Erzincan Province
Erciyes Tarım ve Hayvan Bilimleri Dergisi
, vol.4, no.1, pp.33-37, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The Effect of Tebuconazole Applications on Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Seedling Quality and Development
Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi
, vol.13, no.3, pp.1177-1186, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Assessment of Genetic Characterization of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Germplasm Collected from Erzincan of Turkey Using Microsatellite (SSR) Markers
Journal of Horticultural Science & Ornamental Plants
, vol.12, no.3, pp.158-168, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
New Approach in Obtaining the Ideal Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Seedling: Tebuconazole
Alınteri Journal of Agricultural Sciences
, vol.35, no.2, pp.130-136, 2020 (ESCI)
Effect of Tebuconazole Applications on Seedling Height and Quality of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Seedling
Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences
, vol.10, no.1, pp.25-32, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Morphological Characterization of Pinto and Fresh Bean Genotypes Commonly Cultivated in Erzincan
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
, vol.49, no.2, pp.87-99, 2018 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Yapraktan Kitosan Uygulamasının Tuz Stresine Maruz Kalan Biber (Capsicum annuum L.) Bitkilerinin Bazı Morfolojik Özelliklerine Etkisi
9. Ulusal Tarım Kongresi, İzmir, Turkey, 14 October 2022, pp.22
Erzincan İlinde Yetiştirilen Bazı Yerel Kabak (Cucurbita ssp) Tür ve Genotiplerinin Genetik Çeşitliliğinin Belirlenmesi
2nd International Eurasian Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (EurasianSciEnTech 2020), Gaziantep, Turkey, 7 - 09 October 2020, pp.26
Tebuconazole Uygulamalarının Patlıcanda (Solanum melongena L.) Fide Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri
12. Sebze Tarımı Sempozyumu, Kayseri, Turkey, 9 - 10 September 2019, pp.32
Determination of Genetic Biodiversity by Using Morphological Characterization of Some Local Pinto Bean and Fresh Bean Genotypes Grown in Erzincan Province
XXX International Horticultural Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 16 August 2018, pp.34
Erzincan ilinin Organik Sebzecilik Bakımından Önemi ve Potansiyeli
I. Uluslararası Organik Tarım ve Biyoçeşitliklik Sempozyumu, Bayburt, Turkey, 27 - 29 September 2017, pp.95
Erzincan Koşullarında Bazı Sap ve Kök Kerevizi (Apium graveolens var. dulce ve Apium graveolens var. rapaceum)Çeşitlerinin Bitki Gelişimi, Verim, Bazı Kalite Özellikleri ve Besin Elementi İçeriklerinin Belirlenmesi
10. SEBZE TARIMI SEMPOZYUMU, Tekirdağ, Turkey, 2 - 04 September 2014, pp.376-382