Turgut Baydar, Aksaray July 10, 1971 ( Nigde ) a dependent who was born in Ortaköy district . National Primary School respectively in primary education, the high school he completed his secondary education in Ortaköy . In 1991, Malatya Inonu University Faculty of Education was awarded the Department of Turkish Language and Literature Education and graduated with honors in 1995 . Erzurum Ataturk University Turkish Education in 1999 within the Institute of Social Sciences at Home Science Turkish Language Teaching science was entered into the Master's program and Master of Science in 2001 . The same year he began his doctoral studies in the same program again, and became Doctor of Science in 2006 . In 2015 the title of Professor of Turkish Language Baydar , Erzincan University Faculty of Education Turkish Education serves as a faculty member in the Department . Turgut Baydar is married and has a daughter .
- tbaydar@erzincan.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://avesis.ebyu.edu.tr/tbaydar
- Office Phone
- +90 446 214 3274 Extension: 42275
- Office
- Erzincan Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Türkçe Eğitimi Bölümü