The effect of resveratrol on oxidative ovary-damage induced by methotrexate in rats (Resveratrol oxidative ovary-damage).

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Ata N., Kulhan N. G., Kulhan M., TÜRKLER C., KİREMİTLİ T., Kiremitli S., ...More

General physiology and biophysics, vol.38, no.6, pp.519-524, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 38 Issue: 6
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Doi Number: 10.4149/gpb_20190281
  • Journal Name: General physiology and biophysics
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.519-524
  • Erzincan Binali Yildirim University Affiliated: Yes


Methotrexate (MTX) is a commonly used folic acid antagonist for the treatment of neoplasia and some autoimmune diseases. Resveratrol has important anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of resveratrol on MTX-induced ovary-damage and oxidative stress in rats. We hypothesized that supplement of resveratrol could counteract MTX-induced cytotoxicity in rat ovary. Albino Wistar female rats were randomly divided into three groups: Healthy control (HC), resveratrol + methotrexate (RMTX) and methotrexate (MTX) group. Their ovaries were removed. Biochemical and histopathological methods were utilized for evaluation of the oxidative ovary-damage. MDA was found to be higher but tGSH and SOD were lower in the ovarian tissue of the rat group administered MTX, but it is observed that these ratios are reversed in HC and in RMTX groups. MTX treatment induced ovary damage and especially pre-treatment with resveratrol provided protective effect against this MTX-induced ovary-damaged.