in: Advances in Health Sciences Research, Plamen Milchev CHERNOPOLSKI Nelya Lukpanovna SHAPEKOVA Bilal AK Behire SANÇAR, Editor, ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI UNIVERSITY PRESS SOFIA, Sofija, pp.102-112, 2020
As the elevated average age of the society has led to high number of the elderly
patients, an awareness about care needs of geriatric patients has risen (Savcı and
Bilik, 2014). Among elderly patients; there is a need for –in the general sense- the
improvement of musculoskeletal health, the existing musculoskeletal problems and
the treatments to be given. It is important that elderly patients with chronic diseases
such as arthritis should learn how to live with these diseases and how to lead a life of
quality. Nurses bear significant responsibilities in this sense (Tabloski, 2006; Erdil
and Bayraktar, 2010).