InSEA World Congress 2023, Çanakkale, Turkey, 4 - 08 September 2023, pp.1
The importance of social justice-oriented life and education in the world is
increasing day by day. Educational policies of developed countries are organized within
the framework of critical, inclusive, accessible and universal human rights. It is known
that the budget allocated to education in the development plans of developed countries is
the highest budget. In line with this need, with an understanding of art education
emphasizing social justice,It is important for the individual to develop critical thinking
skills and acquire an inquiring gaining. In this context, the aim of the research
is to examine what the secondary school students' perceptions of social justice are in the
visual arts course and how they experience it in their lives, and how they can be developed
and implemented through visual inquiries. This research, designed with visual
phenomenology, was collected in an 8-week period between April 1 - June 1 2022 of the
second semester of the 2021-2022 academic year in secondary school. The participants
of the research are 6th and 7th grade 12 secondary school students and 4 visual arts
teachers.Personal information form, documents, photo-sound recordings, semi-structured
interview form were used as data collection tools in the research. The data of the research
were analyzed by content analysis method. Within the scope of the findings of the
research, four main themes were reached: "Perception of Social Justice", "Reflection of
Social Justice in the Artistic Process", "Inquiry in the Visual Pedagogical Process" and