RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, sa.19, ss.765-779, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Translation of children literature can be considered a newly emerging and developing sub-field of translation studies. The systematic inquiry into translation strategies that can be applied in the process of translating children books seems to have got underway recently. Many scholars such as Riitta Oittinen, Tiina Puurtinen, Zohar Shavit, and Göte Klingberg have provided their own insights about what sort of challenges await a translator of children literature considering that his/her target readers are children. Perhaps the most prominent challenge is to tailor the target text as to the needs, expectations, knowledge, and limited experiences of children. In this light, the present research intends to make a textual analysis for the translation of Charles Dickens’s novella A Christmas Carol which was translated from English into Turkish without abridgment and from its original language by Çiçek Eriş in 2010 through the approach of Negative Analytic (1985) developed by Antoine Berman. Accordingly, this study argues that Berman’s approach may be offered as a methodological framework for the translation of children literature. In order to problematize this argument, twelve examples selected from the source and target texts have been elucidated by means of the deforming tendencies of Berman and they have been critically discussed from the perspective of children literature. The findings obtained from the analysis have revealed that Berman’s Negative Analytic partly fills the lack of methodological rigour in this sub-field and it would provide appropriate tools to investigate and evaluate the strategies used in translating children literature in a systematic and comprehensive way.
Keywords: Translation of children literature, Antoine Berman, negative analytic, deforming