15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Nevşehir, Türkiye, 28 Ağustos 2023, ss.266-290
For eৼective teaching and learning, teachers need a diverse set of skills. Procientuseofinformationandcommunicationtechnologiesisonesuchskill crucial in modern learning environments. Teachers should possess the ability to design, develop, and evaluate unique learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools. In our global, digital society, teachers are expected to showcase their knowledge, skills, and operational processes as innovativeprofessionals.Bothatinternationalandnationallevels,prociency in using technology is a desirable trait for teachers. Meeting this expectation is closely tied to teachers’ competence in employing existing educational technologies.Themaingoalofthisstudyistoassesstheprociencylevelsof scienceteachersinpublicinstitutionsa৽liatedwiththeMinistryofNational Education (MoNE) in Turkey concerning their use of educational technologies. The study evaluates teachers’ competencies in technological literacy, technology integration in lessons, adherence to social, ethical, and legal provisions, and communication factors. Data, collected through a scale with four subdimensions and 38 items, underwent reliability and validity assessments. The scale was administered to 306 science teachers, and the collected data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 software. An Independent Samples t-Test examined whetherscienceteachers’prociencyinusingeducationaltechnologieschanged based on gender, prior training status, and educational level. Additionally, aone-wayANOVAtestdetermineddiৼerencesbased onprofessionaltenure, duty location, and age. The analysis revealed: (1) Signicant diৼerences in utilization levels of educational technologies among teachers based on age, gender, duty location, professional tenure, and participation in training; (2) However, no signicant diৼerences based on educational attainment were found. The results suggest that younger teachers, male teachers, those working in district-based locations, individuals with fewer years of professional experience, and teachers who received training in educational technology tend to exhibit higher prociency in using educational technologies. The results have been further discussed, and several recommendations have been provided.