16th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education, eLSE 2020, Bucharest, Romania, 30 April - 01 May 2020, pp.39-44
© 2020, National Defence University-Carol I Printing House. All rights reserved.In this era, technological development has gained a significant place in human life. Technological development has also affected educational environments, and the resulting Massive Open Online Courses offer people the opportunity to learn flexibly without restrictions of time and space. However, there are problems in choosing and maintaining the courses. Based on these problems, the main reasons for the preference of MOOCs were investigated and the social media dimension was examined in this study conducted with the aim of increasing attendance rates. For this purpose, the data obtained from a survey administered to 100 different participants show that interaction is at the forefront, as well as reasons such as the presentation of the courses by experts and the demand of no fees to access the content of these courses, and the flexibility to participate with no time or place constraints. It is seen that the social media dimension is an important tool in the interaction process and feedback is easier. According to the results, there are many reasons why the participants choose to engage in Massive Open Online Courses. It is seen that interaction is at the forefront and other reasons such as the presentation of the courses by the experts, no fee requirements to reach the content of these courses and the flexibility of the concepts of time and space are preferred. Looking at the disadvantages, the intensity of work, the impact of internet interruptions, inability to receive feedback, assignments and projects, and the lack of or even limited opportunities in the mother tongue are seen as the reasons for the lack of interest and reduced participation in the Massive Open Online Courses.