Optimization Of Hybrid Composite Laminates With Various Materials Using GA/GPSA Hybrid Algorithm for Maximum Dimensional Stability

Geçmez H., Deveci H. A.

Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt.13, sa.1, ss.107-133, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


In this study, it is aimed to obtain the highest dimensional stability against temperature changes in fiber-reinforced hybrid composite laminates considering eight different composite materials: Aramid/Epoxy, AS4/Epoxy, Boron/Epoxy, E-Glass/Epoxy, IM6/Epoxy, GY70/Epoxy, Kevlar49/Epoxy, and Spectra/Epoxy. The study focuses on finding the optimum continuous and traditional fiber angle orientations for the hybrid composite plates that would provide the lowest coefficients of thermal expansion. For this purpose, two different laminate sequences were investigated, each including two materials. A hybrid algorithm combining genetic algorithm and generalized pattern search algorithm was used in the optimization. A great number of hybrid design problems were solved repeatedly, and their results were compared both within themselves and to the optimum non-hybrid laminate results. Furthermore, the thermal durability of the selected optimum hybrid designs was evaluated by Tsai-Wu failure and Hashin-Rotem criteria. The results reveal that substantial increase in dimensional stability can be achieved by stacking sequence optimization of hybrid composite laminates with multiple material selection, and this hybrid design approach can offer the desired laminated composite structures for aerospace applications required to withstand extreme temperature changes.