Evaluation of Bee Breeds and Ecotypes in Türkiye in terms of Biodiversity

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Erten Ö., Şeker İ.

7th Symposium on EuroAsianBiodiversity (SEAB) - 2024, Erzurum, Türkiye, 22 Ağustos - 24 Ekim 2024, ss.329-337

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Tam Metin Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Erzurum
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.329-337
  • Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Türkiye has more genotypes than many other countries in terms of genetic diversity in honey bee (Apis mellifera) races. There are twenty-seven different honey bee races in the world. Türkiye is in a remarkable position in terms of honey bee genotypes in the world with its two honey bee races and six ecotypes. In addition, Türkiye is among the top three countries in the world in terms of colony presence and ranks second in terms of annual honey production. According to the "Communiqué on the Registration of Domestic Animal Breeds and Lines" (Communiqué No: 2004/39), bee breeds are classified as Caucasian Bee (Apis mellifera caucasica) and Anatolian Bee (Apis mellifera anatolica) and ecotypes are Efe Bee Ecotype (Apis mellifera anatolica), Gökçeada Bee Ecotype (Apis mellifera anatolica), Hatay Bee Ecotype (Apis mellifera syriaca), Trakya Bee Ecotype (Apis mellifera carnica), Muğla Honey Bee Ecotype (Apis mellifera anatolica) and Yığılca Honey Bee Ecotype (Apis mellifera anatolica). The fact that Türkiye has honey bee breeds and ecotypes adapted to different climatic conditions shows the richness of Türkiye beekeeping in terms of biodiversity in honey bee gene resources. The richness in this field shows the existence of an important potential for successful, economic and sustainable bee breeding. It is a necessity to preserve these indigenous breeds that constitute Türkiye's honey bee diversity in order to be used in bee breeding today and in the future. The continuity of genetic diversity in honey bee populations is extremely important in terms of the existence and breeding of highly productive bee breeds adapted to regional conditions for different regions. However, the situation of moving bee colonies from their locations according to seasonal conditions, also known as itinerant beekeeping, causes negative situations such as the loss of genetic characteristics of bee breeds and ecotypes. Therefore, beekeepers should be informed about the possible unwanted damages caused by uncontrolled itinerant beekeeping and unconscious crossbreeding. In conclusion, although Türkiye has a rich population in terms of honey bee genetic diversity, it should be protected against the negative effects of uncontrolled and unconscious crossbreeding of existing native bee races and ecotypes. On the other hand, genotype performances should be improved through breeding studies. Otherwise, it should be kept in mind that honey bee colonies of unknown genetic origin and poor quality may adversely affect our existing gene resources more and more and the whole beekeeping sector will suffer economically due to this genetic degeneration.