3rd International Symposium on Biodiversity Research , Erzurum, Türkiye, 20 - 22 Ekim 2021, cilt.3, ss.149-150
study. All dissections were performed in a small drop of hypotonic sodium citrate solution (1 g Na3C6H5C7.2H2O in 100 ml distilled water). Tissues were placed in a colchicine solution (% 0.01 mg in 100 ml Earle’s Minimum Essential Medium) and incubated at
room temperature for 10-20 min. Tissues were transferred into a small drop of %45 acetic acid on a siliconized cover slip for 20-30 s. A drop of lacto-acetoorcein [1-part concentrated orcein stain
with 3 parts (1:1) lacto-acetic acid] was then added and mixed with the fixative. A clean slide was
placed onto the siliconized cover slip and the preparation was air-dried. The mitotic chromosomes
of T. holosericeum was found to be 2n=12. T. holosericeum has a total haploid chromosome length of 8.31 μm, an average chromosome length of 1.38 μm. Chromosome number studies on mites
found a wide variety of chromosome numbers. In general, mites and ticks have been reported to have 2n=2 to 36 chromosomes. Comparison could not be made because there is no other study on trombidioid.