Investigation of Direct Reduction Mechanism of Attepe Iron Ore by Hydrogen in a Fluidized Bed

Dİlmaç N., Yörük S., Gülaboğlu Ş. M.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, cilt.46, sa.5, ss.2278-2287, 2015 (SCI-Expanded) identifier


© 2015, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International.In this study, the kinetics of reduction of Attepe iron ore by H2 in a batch fluidized bed is analyzed at temperatures of 873 K, 973 K, and 1073 K (600 °C, 700 °C, and 800 °C). It is determined that the reduction route includes two consecutive regions controlled by distinct steps. The first region which takes place at low reduction levels is determined to be controlled by nucleation of wustite, while the following is determined to be controlled by gas/solid reaction occurring at metallic iron/wustite interface. An “ad-hoc” model is used to represent the reduction of Attepe iron ore to metallic iron with good accuracy.