Bilig, cilt.2022, sa.103, ss.1-30, 2022 (SSCI)
Türkiye’s migrant integration policy, which is one of the most migration-receiving countries in the Middle East owing to regional conflicts during the 2000s, is assessed alongside that of other receiving nations in the “Migrant Integration Policy Index” (MIPEX). These index ranks nations in eight key categories: labor market mobility, family reunion, education, health, political participation, permanent residence, access to nationality, and anti-discrimination. This study examines Türkiye’s change in migration policy ratings by comparing the index 2015 and 2020 with six European countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Norway, Finland, Sweden). It is found that there was a significant disparity in index scores between Türkiye and these European countries in the 2015 MIPEX report; however, this difference has narrowed in the 2020 report. Türkiye’s migrant integration policy rankings have improved substantially (+17), according to the 2020 report. As a result, Türkiye’s policy indicator has increased from “slightly unfavourable” to “halfway favourable”. Although this score and increase are not at the desired level, they may indicate comprehensive improvements in Türkiye’s integration policies in the following report.