Polluting Effects of Wastes Generated in Engine Vehicle Repair-Service Businesses, Storage, Disposal and Reuse of Wastes

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Çetin M., Demirci O. K.

Quest Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences, cilt.10, sa.12, ss.59-65, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


Motor vehicle production is one of the sectors that show technological development depending on science and technology. Vehicle maintenance stations and auto repair shops that develop as a result of motor vehicle production are a sectoral occupational field that contributes greatly to employment. Waste materials are produced as a result of production processes, industrial and domestic solid wastes. Especially considering the environmental pollution effects of wastes originating from the motor vehicle repair sector, it is important to take more care because they are much more harmful than domestic wastes. In this sector; a large amount of different wastes are produced during maintenance operations performed after sales. The increasing amount of waste requires waste-free or low-waste production, recycling of wastes and disposal of the wastes in the most appropriate way in terms of economy and environment. The sector has a great responsibility in reducing the wastes originating from various maintenance operations of motor vehicles at their source, ensuring their reuse or recycling. This study includes informing vehicle maintenance stations and auto repair shop operators about modernization, reducing waste amounts, protecting the environment, reducing costs, reducing hazardous waste with clean production measures such as waste prevention, reduction and recycling.