On Gaussian Fibonacci and Gaussian Lucas Hybrid Numbers

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Uysal M., Özkan E.

3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS SCIENCES (ISCDFAMS 2024), sa.3, ss.190-202, 2024 (Düzenli olarak gerçekleştirilen hakemli kongrenin bildiri kitabı)


In this paper, we examine a new application of hybrid numbers. We take Gaussian Fibonacci and Gaussian Lucas numbers instead of the real components of hybrid numbers. We define the Gaussian Fibonacci and Lucas hybrid numbers. We analyze the properties of these numbers related to hybrid numbers.. We give recurrence relations, the Binet formulas, sum formulas and generating functions of these numbers. We give the relation between these numbers, Fibonacci hybrid and Lucas hybrid numbers. We gave the relation between these numbers, Fibonacci hybrid and Lucas hybrid numbers.We investigate the relations between Gaussian Fibonacci hybrid and Gaussian Lucas hybrid numbers. Finally, we have calculated the identities that are important for sequences of numbers. We give Cassini, Catalan, Vajda, d’Ocagne and Honsberger identities of these numbers.