Trakya Eğitim Dergisi, cilt.14, sa.1, ss.337-355, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)
The purpose of this study was to adapt a survey to examine the readiness levels of teachers who create and manage blended learning environments. The research aimed to determine the online and blended learning competencies of science teachers using the "Blended Teaching Readiness Survey" prepared by Archibald, Graham, and Larsen (2021). The Cronbach ’s alpha reliability coefficient calculated in the original survey was found to be α= 0.85. During the survey adaptation process, opinions were first obtained from three experts in the field of foreign languages and experience abroad. The survey was then translated into Turkish, and both the original and Turkish versions were presented to Turkish experts and foreign language experts. Adjustments were made according to the feedback from experts, and the final version was published. In this form, the survey was administered to 260 science teachers. Because of the factor analysis of the survey, it was determined that it had a four-component structure. The four components and their reliability coefficients are as follows: (1) Online integration α= 0.95, (2) Personalization of instruction α= 0.94, (3) Trends α= 0.91, (4) Online interaction α= 0.93 . The overall reliability coefficient of the survey, which included 43 items , was calculated as α = 0.98. While the original survey consists of five factors, the adapted survey has a four-factor structure. The adapted survey has a structure with a high reliability value that can measure the readiness levels of science teachers for blended learning. With this survey, whose reliability and validity studies have been completed, the readiness levels of science teachers were examined in terms of various variables, and the results and suggestions were presented.