Meningitis and Nursing Care According to the Model of Nursing Based on Activities of Living: a Case Report

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Korkmaz Binay Ş., Binay U. D., Yıldız Karadeniz E.

JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL & NEUROSURGICAL NURSING, sa.3, ss.130-136, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)


Introduction. Meningitis is an infectious disease that seriously affects the health of the individual, can cause mortality and can be treated with emergency intervention.Aim. The aim of this study is to evaluate the holistic and systematic nursing care process of the patient with the diagnosis of meningitis on the basis of the described case, in line with the nursing model.Case Report. This is the case study of a male patient who was treated with the diagnosis of meningitis in the infectious diseases and clinical microbiology clinic. Nursing problems were determined and a care plan was created by interviewing the patient and his physician, observing and assessment with Model of Nursing Based on Activities of Living.Results. The patient, who has fever, chills, nausea, headache, neck stiffness and left ear discharge, was admitted to the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology clinic and treated. NANDA-I (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-International) nursing diagnoses determined specifically for the patient by using the Activities of Living Model developed by Roper, Logan and Tierney are acute pain, fever, nausea, lack of knowledge, fatigue, sleep pattern disruption and risk of falling.Conclusions. Accurate and complete data were collected using the nursing model/theory. Nursing interventions applied specifically to the patient were found to be effective. The patient’s problems were improved. Thanks to the interdisciplinary collaboration, a medical diagnosis of meningitis was made and appropriate medical treatment and nursing care was administered. The patient was discharged with recommendations for outpatient control.