By deconstructing the phallogocentric occidental thinking with a new creativity and writing practice and the masculine domination, Luce Irigaray, Helene Cixous and Julia Kristeva developed a new dynamic of feminine criticism. They criticised the negligence of feminine writing in philosophical and literary texts. In this study, The researcher intends to do a comparative lecture of feminine writing of Zeynep Kacar's Kobuk and Helene Ckous' Inside based on the essays written by Cixous in 1975 entitled The Laugh of Medusa and Outways. By following the traces of Derrida's Grammatology, Helene Cixous develops feminine writing by deconstructing the perception of historical writing conquered by the masculine structure and rhetoric movement. By dissociating the law from the symbolic, she composes her ideas on feminine writing and sexual difference. The aim of this research is to investigate Kabuk and Inside on the dichotomies of body/ soul, woman/man, life/death, and writing/speech, I/other as it is stated as more than one language by Derrida. Thus, the researcher aims to trace the feminine creativity, aesthetics that is transferred, changed and disseminated continuously in Derrida's words. The aim is to read Gxous'auto-fictive book which reaches the dream of reality and the outside of the inside via an interior-writing and Kacar's book which tries to arrive from the soul to body via an interior-voice and to deconstruct the phallus-centered death, man, speech and self by life, woman, writing and other.