Photo-supercapacitors based on zinc oxide/MXene paper dual acting electrodes

Colak T. O., Altaf C. T., TUZLUCA YEŞİLBAĞ F. N., YEŞİLBAĞ Y. Ö., Yildirim I. D., Erdem E., ...More

Journal of Energy Storage, vol.86, 2024 (SCI-Expanded) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 86
  • Publication Date: 2024
  • Doi Number: 10.1016/j.est.2024.111274
  • Journal Name: Journal of Energy Storage
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus, Compendex, INSPEC
  • Keywords: MXene, Photo-supercapacitor, Solar energy, Zinc oxide
  • Erzincan Binali Yildirim University Affiliated: Yes


Photo-supercapacitors (PSCs) have great potential as devices that enable both the conversion and storage of solar energy. However, it remains challenging to design new dual-acting electrodes providing high energy density and capacitance with self-powering capacity. Herein, we successfully prepared dual electrodes using ZnO-nanoflake and Ti3C2Tx-based MXene paper. By utilization of the MXene to the PSC device, capacitive contribution to the total capacitance increased ∼4 times compared to the bare ZnO-nanoflake-based PSC due to the surface redox reactions and electrically double layer formation. Maximum energy and power density of 57.3 μWhcm−2 and 11.1 mWcm−2, respectively were obtained for ZnO/MXene//MXene-PSC@UV irradiation and at a 2.5 V. Areal capacitance of this device calculated from CV was as high as 151.5 mFcm−2. Moreover, the ZnO/MXene//MXene-PSC device was highly stable over 10,000 GCD cycles with 100 % CE and 98 % Cp-retention under daylight.