Cukurova Medical Journal, vol.44, no.Ek Sayı 1, pp.156-164, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Purpose: This study was carried out to evaluate theparent’s thoughts about vaccines who have children at theage of 0-2 years.Materials and Methods: This study was carried outbetween the dates 1st January-31st March 2018, in aneonatal intensive care unit of a t and Research HospitalPediatrician Service, with volunteering parents (N=100) of0-2 aged children who were being treated for variousreasons.Results: In this study, there are mothers and 61% of themare high school graduates, 56% are housewives and 95%are without social security. Out of parents; 98% of themsaid that vaccines are required, 65% of them said thatvaccine protects from the disease, 80% of them said thatthey had learned about vaccines in Family Health Center,16% of them due to some vaccines contain mercury didnot want to get vaccinated and 54% of them said that theyhad not joined the eradication program.Conclusion: Mothers were not informed enough aboutthe contents of the vaccines and that they were informedby the primary health care personnel of the vaccines.