41th Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Rome, Italy, 17 - 20 July 2019, pp.464-469
— In this research paper, it is presented a different analysis method, which is called
as Exact Floquet Approach (EFA), used in controlling dispersion characteristics of loaded helix
Slow-Wave Structures (SWSs) for Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs). In this context, this study can
be expressed with three main parts. Firstly, EFA is introduced for dispersion analysis of the helix
SWSs. Secondly, normalized phase velocities of several helix SWSs such as rectangular, circular
and T shape dielectric support rods given in open literature are determined in order to test the
validity of the method. Furthermore, dielectric and metal segment loaded helix SWS is also
considered for investigating dispersion characteristic with EFA. Lastly, All interested helix SWSs
are modeled in Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio design environment
and obtained results are compared with the presented methods. Moreover, the proposed method
is compared with reported theoretical and experimental results. It is noted that the method of
EFA is in good agreement with the reported works and CST. EFA can be a fast and alternative
method to the avaiable methods in the literature for the dispersion analysis of helix SWSs.