M. N. Sezgin, "Analysis of the Story of Ferhat and Şi̇ri̇n Within the Framework of Rene Giirard’s Desire Triangle Model," In Language and Literature Studies III , Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2024, pp.25-51.
Sezgin, M. N. Analysis of the Story of Ferhat and Şi̇ri̇n Within the Framework of Rene Giirard’s Desire Triangle Model. 2024. In Language and Literature Studies III , Akademisyen Kitabevi, Ankara, 25-51.
Sezgin, M. N., (2024). Analysis of the Story of Ferhat and Şi̇ri̇n Within the Framework of Rene Giirard’s Desire Triangle Model. Language and Literature Studies III (pp.25-51), Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
Sezgin, MERVE. "Analysis of the Story of Ferhat and Şi̇ri̇n Within the Framework of Rene Giirard’s Desire Triangle Model." In Language and Literature Studies III , 25-51. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2024
Sezgin, MERVE N. . "Analysis of the Story of Ferhat and Şi̇ri̇n Within the Framework of Rene Giirard’s Desire Triangle Model." Language and Literature Studies III , Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2024, pp.25-51.
Sezgin, M. N. (2024) "Analysis of the Story of Ferhat and Şi̇ri̇n Within the Framework of Rene Giirard’s Desire Triangle Model", Language and Literature Studies III . Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={MERVE NUR SEZGİN}, chaptertitle={Analysis of the Story of Ferhat and Şi̇ri̇n Within the Framework of Rene Giirard’s Desire Triangle Model}, booktitle={ Language and Literature Studies III}, publisher={Akademisyen Kitabevi}, city={Ankara},year={2024} }