İ. Yücel And Ş. Özen, "Internet Addiction and Work Stress," In Current Debates on Social Sciences 13 , Ankara: Bilginer Yayıncılık, 2023, pp.203-215.
Yücel, İ. And Özen, Ş. Internet Addiction and Work Stress. 2023. In Current Debates on Social Sciences 13 , Bilginer Yayıncılık, Ankara, 203-215.
Yücel, İ., & Özen, Ş., (2023). Internet Addiction and Work Stress. Current Debates on Social Sciences 13 (pp.203-215), Ankara: Bilginer Yayıncılık.
Yücel, İLHAMİ, And ŞENER ÖZEN. "Internet Addiction and Work Stress." In Current Debates on Social Sciences 13 , 203-215. Ankara: Bilginer Yayıncılık, 2023
Yücel, İLHAMİ And Özen, ŞENER. "Internet Addiction and Work Stress." Current Debates on Social Sciences 13 , Bilginer Yayıncılık, 2023, pp.203-215.
Yücel, İ. And Özen, Ş. (2023) "Internet Addiction and Work Stress", Current Debates on Social Sciences 13 . Ankara: Bilginer Yayıncılık.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={İLHAMİ YÜCEL And author ={ŞENER ÖZEN}, chaptertitle={Internet Addiction and Work Stress}, booktitle={ Current Debates on Social Sciences 13}, publisher={Bilginer Yayıncılık}, city={Ankara},year={2023} }