F. EZMECİ And N. PARPUCU, "Augmented Reality In Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review," In Education & Science 2023-III , İstanbul: Efe Yayınevi, 2023, pp.85-113.
EZMECİ, F. And PARPUCU, N. Augmented Reality In Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review. 2023. In Education & Science 2023-III , Efe Yayınevi, İstanbul, 85-113.
EZMECİ, F., & PARPUCU, N., (2023). Augmented Reality In Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review. Education & Science 2023-III (pp.85-113), İstanbul: Efe Yayınevi.
EZMECİ, FULYA, And NURBANU PARPUCU. "Augmented Reality In Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review." In Education & Science 2023-III , 85-113. İstanbul: Efe Yayınevi, 2023
EZMECİ, FULYA And PARPUCU, NURBANU. "Augmented Reality In Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review." Education & Science 2023-III , Efe Yayınevi, 2023, pp.85-113.
EZMECİ, F. And PARPUCU, N. (2023) "Augmented Reality In Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review", Education & Science 2023-III . İstanbul: Efe Yayınevi.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={FULYA EZMECİ And author ={NURBANU PARPUCU}, chaptertitle={Augmented Reality In Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review}, booktitle={ Education & Science 2023-III}, publisher={Efe Yayınevi}, city={İstanbul},year={2023} }